Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taking It A Step Further

I've done menu planning since I got married, in fact I'm not sure how people function without it. My planning has always been for our evening meals ( dinner, supper or whatever the correct term is) and in recent years an occasional weekend breakfast or lunch. Now that my kids are able to fix their own breakfast and lunch my kitchen has become total insanity during these meals. I realize there is no way to stop this unless I implement meal planning for these times too. Another problem I believe this will solve is those days when it's lunch time and I realize that even with a full fridge and pantry I don't have the ingredients to make something to eat. Like we have sandwich meat and no bread or the other way around. I'm going to start this week off with planning our daily lunches and sticking to it, just like supper time, you can take or leave it but this is what we're having.

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