Sunday, January 11, 2009


I've had lot on my mind lately so falling asleep at night has been hard. As soon as all gets quiet I start thinking.....thinking about everything from whether or not we should invest in rental property while the value is down to what should I wear tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I had a switch to turn my brain on and off, wouldn't that be nice? Think about it, those times when you're so tired and you turn out the lights, the TV everything is quiet and then there goes your mind. It would be so great to be able to flip a switch to turn it off just like you do the lights in your bedroom. Since that's not an option one thing I've found to be helpful on nights like that and like I've been having is to go to what I like to call "my happy place". I close my eyes and take myself somewhere else that makes me feel relaxed, that brings a smile to my face. Then after I meditate on that spot for awhile I get so relaxed that I fall asleep. Unfortunately I cannot tell you what "my happy place" is because it's so out of a romance novel cheesy that I would be too embarrassed so you'll just have to find your own.

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