Friday, March 4, 2011

Menu Planning Day Is Here!

My family and I have become so spoiled to our little menu hanging on the side of the fridge, it totally takes the brain work out of meal time. Here's this week's menu:

Friday- King Ranch Chicken and salad
Saturday- Tacos
Sunday- Eat Out
Monday- Sausage and Fried Potatoes
Tuesday- Chicken and Rice Soup
Wednesday- Spaghetti
Thursday- Drumsticks and potato salad

The only thing I needed to make these meals are the ingredients for the King Ranch Casserole, this will come out of my The Kitchen Fairy money because I will be making extra for that. Other than that I was able to come up with enough meals from my stockpiles since I've already spent my grocery budget. So far I've only gone over about $20 so I'm pretty pleased with myself.


  1. I really need to implement this in my home! I usually plan my menu before I go grocery shopping but I don't actually plan what meals will be cooked on which days. Since I work outside the home, this would really help take the guess work out of deciding what meat to thaw out before leaving for the day.

  2. Yes, it would work great for you. Also any meal you can stick in the crockpot before you leave is good because it's ready to eat when you get home. It usually takes about 15 extra minutes to throw some ingrdients in there and call it done.
