Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beanie Business

My kids love greenbeans but I personally haven't been happy with how mine have been turning out. I've experimented with steamed, which I love but the kids hated. Then I tried the Duggar's recipe:

Sauté on high till bubbly:1/2 c. Bragg’s™ Liquid Amino 1 whole bulb garlic, pressed Add:1 5lb. bag frozen whole Green Beans Stir well, Cover & Cook on high, stirring occasionally until desired tenderness.(Bragg’s™ is much better than soy sauce, & makes a big difference in flavor.) Everyone’s favorite including company!More of the Voeller’s healthy recipes can be found at

I love it but the kids.....yep, they hated it. So tonight I tried something different. I cooked the greenbeans in chicken broth with a little butter and The Lady's House Seasoning. I was so good and everyone loved it!!! Success at last!

The Lady's House Seasoning:

1 cup salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder

Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container for up to 6 months.

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