Saturday, February 5, 2011

Update On Things...

We started our second week of meal plans. I was surprised at how easy it was to do. I sat down with my calendar, a list of things I could make and in less than twenty minutes had a seven day meal plan. My family is really getting into, they love going and seeing what we're having to eat. Even Aaron is liking it, he gets excited when stuff he likes is on the schedule and thanks me (whoa!). Today the kids and I were gone during lunch and when I got home he had eaten what was on the schedule, awesome:) Last night I went to a Homemade Gourmet party, I hadn't been to one in years. It was very inspiring, they have all sorts of seasoning mixes and recipes that you can use to plan ahead and freeze which is right up my alley. I think I'm going to look into a little more and see if it fits in with my budget.

Speaking of budgets I realized that I was never going to be able to stick to my $50 a week grocery budget if I included household and cleaning items with it. So I decided to make a separate budget of $40 every two weeks for that. I'm not sure if that will work but it's something to start with. After adjusting that if gave me $50 back for my grocery budget which is what I have to work with this coming week. I'll probably be cutting it close because I've already spent $30 of that but I think so far I've done well with this being my first pay period to try it.

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