Friday, February 18, 2011

Menu Plan and Grocery Budget

This week's Menu:

Fri- Ribeyes
Sat- Hot dogs
Sun- Make Italian Sandwiches for Church
Mon- Roast
Tues- Hot Wings
Wed- Meatballs
Thurs- Chicken Rollatini

Breakfast will be cereal, poptarts, pancakes ( still have some in the freezer) and waffles.
For lunch will have sandwiches, Mac and cheese, frozen pizza and nachos (I'm planning on using some beans from the freezer.

All I need from the store this week to make these meals is; syrup, Alfredo Sauce, french fries, carrots and shredded cheese. This brings me to my grocery budget, I still have $20 for this week. That should cover what I need to buy to make the meals on my menu. The only problem I'm finding is my stockpile of meat is running low, after this week I have about a week or week and a half worth of meat left in the freezer. I'll have to use next pay periods grocery budget to stock back up so hopefully it will be on sale. There are some good sale items at Kroger and HEB that I'd like to take advantage of but I really don't want to go over budget so I'm trying to decide whether I should or not.


  1. I see you have hot wings on your menu. I have been wanting to make those for us, but my kids are soooo picky about hot stuff. How do you make yours where your kids will eat them??

  2. These are actually the HEB brand that you just warm up. I've been wanting to make some but Raegan is my only kid who likes spicy stuff. I need to find a mild sauce so you get the flavor with out the spice. I'll let you know when I get it figured out.
